
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Fixing healthcare insurance

Start with the solution. But consider some issues:

Republicans will make a huge mistake replacing ObamaCare with TrumpCare (ObamaCare Lite.) The Democrats own ObamaCare, so the idiot RINOs want to take over responsibility for this load of crap? It makes absolutely no sense.

The right solution in the link above leaves remaining problems that should be addressed.

  1. The transition shouldn't create more hardship for people that were screwed by ObamaCare. Before ACA people lost insurance they may not be able to get back because they developed pre-existing conditions they didn't have before.
  2. Low income people should have a separate solution since insurance is a business. As a business consumers get the best deals when those businesses are competing for customers. A voucher for low income folks would allow them to get some of the same benefits and still encourage competition for those customers.
  3. People that can't get insurance for any other reason should have an option outside the insurance industry which is better than just showing up at an emergency room.
Trying to solve everything with a universal solution is a mistake that opens up the political can of worms. Republicans will pay for this mistake if they remain too stupid to avoid it.

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